RGCT: Building self-dependent SHGs in UP

Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust, or RGCT is a non-governmental organisation working for the betterment of the women of the rural areas of India, especially Uttar Pradesh, providing means for sustainable income and empowering them for better living in the society. The aim of this charitable trust is not to just help them financially, but it is aimed towards the capacity building of these rural women, by providing means to them for efficiently earning for themselves and also contributing to the main stream economy by joining hands with the banks. The working of this chartable society is through organising the rural women into self-help groups at three hierarchical levels, empowering them with the power of unity to achieve the otherwise impossible or difficult tasks. The three levels for the same are the village level, block level and the district level. By getting organised in SHGs, the women are now able to solve their own problems themselves, and the strength that come...