RGCT: Working to Empower Women in India

RGCT is the charitable trust set up By Mrs. Sonia Gandhi for realizing the dreams of all-inclusion of her husband, who was also the youngest prime minister of India, the most respected Mr. Rajiv Gandhi . It has been a well-known fact that he was an intelligent human being who genuinely cared about the people of his country. Being the prime minister at such an age was the way to bring youth to the politics to cause transformation in the country for good. One of his speeches reveal that he was well aware of the situations that the real citizens were facing and that there were great minds among politicians who really, dedicatedly wanted to solve this problem, but were not able to do so as they focussed upon making the management plans, not the systematic plans. When he finally made the plan to run things systematically at the grass root level, the transformation started to show. To carry on his ideals and realise his dreams, this trust was set up, especially for the socia...